Mobile phones and gadgets

Mobile phones and gadgets

» Why is the noise in the headphones on the computer. Extraneous sounds in headphones and speakers. Troubleshooting. Volume level - paradoxical, but true, it can cause noise in the headphones

Why is the noise in the headphones on the computer. Extraneous sounds in headphones and speakers. Troubleshooting. Volume level - paradoxical, but true, it can cause noise in the headphones

Question from user


I have a problem with the PC: there is some extraneous noise coming from the speakers and headphones (resembles crackling). I poked the wires - it did not help; also rearranged the inputs - the problem did not go away. By the way, if you click the mouse - then this noise is slightly amplified. What to do?

Built-in sound card, Realtek (I don't know the exact model). The headphones are new, the speakers are the most ordinary, although they are already quite old (7-8 years old).

Good day!

In general, there can be a great variety of noises found in speakers and headphones: for example, the noise of a mouse wheel, various crackling, whistling, intermittent and trembling noises, etc. They can appear for a variety of reasons.

The user problem with sound described above is quite typical (unfortunately), and it is far from always so easy and quick to fix it. Nevertheless, in this article I will try to give all the most important points that you need to pay attention to in the first place. By eliminating them, with a high degree of probability, you will make your sound better and cleaner.

If you have too quiet sound- try the tips from the following article:

If you have no sound at all on a computer - I recommend that you read this guide:

Causes and elimination of extraneous sound in speakers and headphones

Speaker/headphone cable

1) Is the cable intact?

Many do not attach any importance to this (allegedly, what will happen to it), and the cable, by the way, can be damaged by accident: when the furniture is moved carelessly, by bending, stepping on the heel. In addition, many people have pets at home. In general, there are enough reasons even without your direct intervention ...

The photo below shows a damaged audio cable...

2) Broken audio jacks

Over time, any audio connectors begin to "weaken" (most often from intensive use) - and the plug in them is not clamped tightly, sometimes there is even a slight backlash (gap). If in this case you try to insert / remove the plug, twist it in the socket - you may notice how noise appears in the speakers and how they disappear. Thus, you can choose the position of the plug, in which there will be no noise. The cable in this "ideal" position can be fixed with tape.

In general, if the problem is with broken sockets, replace them in the computer. service, the question is not too "expensive".

3) Cable length

I also want to pay attention to the length of the cable. If computer speakers are located 2 meters from the system unit, then using cables 10 meters long is unreasonable (especially if there are any adapters, extension cords). All this can cause "distorted" sound, a kind of interference. In general, cables longer than 2-5 meters (in the most common situations, for household use) are not recommended.

4) Is the cable fixed

Another reason that I had to face was the following: the cable from the system unit to the speakers was on the "weight", about 2 meters long. Naturally, if the window in the room was open, then the draft made this cable "dangle" and extraneous noises were observed.

It was very easy to get rid of the problem: using ordinary adhesive tape, we attached the cable in 2-3 places to the table and the noise disappeared.

By the way, the cable can also be touched by passing people (if your PC is not very comfortable), pets, even your own legs (if the cable runs under the table). Therefore, my advice is: fix (fix) or lay the cable so that no one touches it accidentally.

The photo below shows special holders / clamps that exclude the "entanglement" of cables and exclude that some wires "will" hang out. These Velcro holders can be placed on the back of the table and secure all the wires and cables. Instead of them, by the way, you can use ordinary tape.

5) Front and rear audio jacks

Another important point: if laptops have only one audio connector (usually on the side panel), then the system unit has 2 of them (most often): on the back of the unit, and in front.

Many users find it more convenient to connect headphones (sometimes speakers) to the front of the unit - and often in this case the sound is not as good as if you connected it to the audio jacks on the back of the system unit. This is due to adapters, extension cords, etc. moments with connecting the front panel (from the back of the system unit - the audio outputs go "directly" from the sound card).

In general, the motive for this advice is simple: try connecting headphones / speakers to the audio outputs on the back of the system unit.

6) Is the cable intertwined with other cords

Also, phoning and extraneous noise in the speakers may occur due to the fact that the audio cable will be too "tightly" intertwined with other wires. Try to carefully position it so that it is away from the rest. By the way, this advice intersects with fixing the cable (see just above).

And one more tip: if you have hiss and noise in the speakers, try connecting headphones instead (or vice versa). This will not solve the problem, but will help find and diagnose the cause. If there is no noise in the headphones, then for sure the reason lies outside the system unit (which is already something ...).

Incorrect sound settings in Windows

Often, extraneous noise in the speakers is associated with not quite "correct" sound settings in Windows. Therefore, I recommend trying to change them ...

To do this, open the Windows Control Panel at: Control Panel\Hardware and Sound .

It will display several of your audio devices. Open the properties of the one through which the sound goes by default (such a device is marked with a green checkmark).

Note: by the way, if the default device for sound playback is not selected correctly, then you will not hear sound.

When will you open speaker properties(default playback devices) - look at the "Levels" tab (see screenshot below). In this tab, reduce all extraneous sources to a minimum: PC Beer, CD, Microphone, Line-in, etc. (their number and availability depends on your computer configuration).

Next, I recommend opening the tab "improvements" and see if it's enabled "Loudness" (by the way, in some versions of Windows it is called as " Additional features / volume leveling").

Save the settings and check if the sound has changed, if it has become clearer.

Lack of an up-to-date sound driver/driver setting

In general, usually, with problems with drivers - there is no sound at all. But modern versions of Windows (8, 8.1, 10) install drivers automatically. There is nothing wrong with this, on the contrary, they make life easier for novice users. But there is one big "BUT" - the drivers installed by them, usually, cannot be configured; there is no extra. panels where important parameters for your equipment are set. As a result, some sound distortion may occur.

In order not to repeat how to check if there is an audio driver in the system, how to find and update it, how to remove the old driver, etc. - I recommend to read this article:

You may also need programs to automatically update drivers in the system. I talked about them in this article:

I also recommend that you pay attention to the configuration of the driver itself. To open the audio driver settings: go to the Windows control panel in the section "Hardware and Sound" . Further at the bottom of the window, usually, there is always a link to the setting: in my case, this is Dell Audio (in yours, for example, it could be Realtek Audio).

In the audio driver settings, check the volume of the main devices ("play around" with it), disable various "incomprehensible" enhancements, filters, etc. Very often they cause all kinds of problems with sound.

Testing speakers on another PC

If the above recommendations did not work, I highly recommend connecting your speakers or headphones to another device: laptop, TV, PC, etc. You need to do this in order to determine the source of extraneous sound:

- either the speakers are "to blame" (if the sound is noisy on other devices);

- either the system unit itself is "to blame" (if the speakers behave normally when connected to other sound sources).

The reason may be grounding ...

Grounding (sometimes called grounding) in ordinary residential buildings, most often, they do it in the basement. All outlets in the building are connected to this ground. If all equipment (including speakers) is connected to the same outlet, then problems with interference due to grounding usually never arise.

If the noise is caused by grounding, then the easiest way to get rid of this is to connect all the equipment to the network through one common network outlet. It is even better if a surge protector (not Chinese, but normal quality, or UPS) is connected to the outlet, to which a PC and speakers will be connected.

The photo below shows a surge protector for 5 outlets. Enough for most ordinary home PCs, you can connect: a monitor, a system unit, speakers, a printer, and even a phone charger will remain ...

Important! In the absence of grounding, some authors recommend connecting the system unit case to a conventional battery. I do not recommend doing this categorically (with a certain network construction - you can be shocked)! In general, the issue of grounding is best dealt with by an electrician.

Mouse wheel noise

Sometimes the noise from scrolling the wheel from the mouse "falls" into the audio interference and is heard in the speakers. Sometimes such noise can be quite strong and it is simply impossible to listen to music while working.

If the sound from the mouse is heard in the speakers, then I recommend taking the following series of measures:

Try to replace the mouse with a new one;

If you are using a mouse with a PS/2 connector, replace it with a USB one (or vice versa);

You can also use PS/2 to USB adapters. For example, by connecting a mouse with a PS / 2 connector to a USB port;

Try using a wireless mouse.

The photo below shows: a mouse with a PS / 2 plug, a USB mouse, and adapters from PS / 2 to USB.

Mobile phones and gadgets

If your mobile phone is too close to the speakers, then when you call it (or receive SMS), you can hear a strong crackle and interference. You can, of course, try to shield the audio cable, but at home, in my opinion, all this is a waste of money, time and effort.

The best way out is to find a place for a mobile phone not on a computer table, or at least smash the phone and speakers in different corners. Thanks to this, crackling and noise will be significantly reduced.

By the way, this can be observed from walkie-talkies, cordless phones and other similar gadgets and set-top boxes. Anything with an antenna and radio signals can potentially be the source of the strongest vibrations reflected in your speakers.

In some cases, even an ordinary printer/scanner/copier, an "unusual" table lamp can cause noise in the speakers. Therefore, at least for the time of diagnostics, I recommend turning off extraneous devices located near the speakers one by one and monitoring the condition and purity of the sound.

I don't think there's anything more to comment on...

High volume on low-quality speakers

Loudness above 50% on inexpensive low-quality speakers (and headphones) may well be the cause of the noise. (they say that the speakers start to "flash").

In general, all the speakers and headphones are phoning. True, better speakers (and, as a rule, more expensive ones) produce a clearer sound even at high volumes, and only emit light at maximum. While cheap - when the volume reaches the average values ​​...

Also pay attention to the microphone. If your speakers are turned on loudly and the microphone is working, then the effect of a closed "ring" may be observed.

Low Power (Eco Mode)

This advice is more suitable for laptop users...

The fact is that laptops have several operating modes: economical mode, balanced, and high performance. Manufacturers do this in order to save battery power more economically.

In some cases, reduced power consumption does not allow you to produce high-quality sound. Therefore, I recommend going to the Windows control panel: Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options . Then enable high performance and save the settings (see screenshot below).

Installing an external sound card

For some reason, many people think that an external sound card is some kind of large device, expensive, etc. All this is in the past, now there are modern sound cards, the size of which is slightly larger than a USB flash drive (and they look almost the same).

Yes, you can't connect any specific equipment to such a sound card, but you can connect ordinary classic headphones and speakers, a microphone to it, which is more than enough for many "average" users.

In addition, an external sound card can simply help out and help get rid of extraneous noise when other options did not solve the problem. Moreover, the cost of many models is more than affordable (the cheapest options cost no more than a few hundred rubles).

The photo below shows a USB sound card. Such a small "baby" is capable of producing a fairly high-quality sound, which will be envied by some of the built-in sound cards. And in principle, it will suit most users who are satisfied with the most "normal" sound.

That's all for me. Additions on the topic are welcome...

When connecting any peripheral device to a personal computer, special attention and caution should be exercised. The more complex the peripheral device, the more difficult the procedure for connecting it will be. Microphones, headphones and speakers are often connected to speakers. These elements today help us communicate on the Internet. Without them, it would be very problematic to imagine a modern user. On the one hand, connecting headphones and a microphone does not require anything special. However, in order to bring this idea to life, it is often necessary to carry out a long adjustment of the components. In addition, devices may not work properly. Users are often interested in the question, how can I get rid of noise in the headphones when connected to a computer? Why does it occur at all? What is needed to fix this problem? If you get answers to all the questions listed above, then working with sound on a personal computer will no longer cause you problems.

Why is there noise when using headphones?

First of all, it is important to determine where the noise comes from in the headphones. Many users today face this problem. Sometimes this problem is temporary, and in some cases, the noise in the headphones may not disappear for a long time. In fact, the nature of the problem is quite diverse. Noise in headphones can occur for various reasons. It is rather problematic to predict which alignment will help correct the situation. For example, noise in the headphones may be due to lost settings or a hardware failure. Then you need to figure out how to get rid of noise on your computer.

Sound card

The first reason that can affect the sound quality in the operating system is problems with the sound card. It may be outdated or damaged. In this case, noise and crackling may appear in the headphones, the sound in the headphones “breaks”. To correct this situation, only a complete replacement or repair of the sound card will help. Only after that, extraneous noise will disappear in the headphones.


This problem is rarely encountered by users. We are talking about grounding sockets, to which the headset and headphones are generally connected. In this case, various kinds of noise may occur. If we are talking about working with a laptop, then connecting the computer to a grounded outlet is unlikely to fix the problem. For laptops, as a rule, motherboards on the motherboard may not be grounded. In this case, you will have to replace them, or put up with this problem. Users in some cases prefer not to use a laptop.

USB devices

Suddenly there is noise in the headphones connected to a personal computer? Different kinds of sounds can be produced when a variety of devices are connected. They appear immediately, not some time later. For example, you may hear a monotonous sound when you connect a mouse. If we are talking about the keyboard, then most likely, when you press the keys, you will hear clicks. This happens for the following reasons:

— active transfer of information to the computer. In this case, we can recommend not to connect USB devices to certain ports. It is advisable to find other places to connect devices, or even start using a wireless headset and other devices.

- damage to the USB port. In this case, you can suggest repairing the USB port. In practice, users often prefer to simply reconnect devices to other ports. Fortunately, this problem does not occur very often in practice. Modern laptops and personal computers are made in such a way that users can comfortably work at the machines. It is unlikely that such an arrangement will be found in practice.


How else can you get rid of the noise in the headphones when connected to a computer? Here, much will depend on which particular headset model is used. The problem is that today all devices are divided into wired and wireless. This feature can be of great importance. Noise in speakers and headphones is often found in models connected via cable. What is the main problem? Various kinds of noise can occur when the cable from the headphones or microphone is damaged. This is due to poor-quality transmission of information to the sound card. Probably the cable is just damaged. In this case, you need to fix the breakdown. There is another trick that users with a wired headset are advised to do: unplug the cord from the jack and plug it back into the computer. It is this method that often helps to fix the problem. If you use wireless headphones for your computer, then this alignment will not help.


The following source of the problem is relevant for all types of devices. But in practice it is quite rare. A lot of noise in the headphones when connected to a personal computer may be due to a damaged or missing device or sound card driver. In this case, you just need to reinstall or update the appropriate software for the normal functioning of the operating system with the connected device. As a rule, for wireless headsets, all drivers are bundled with the device on a separate disk. As a last resort, you can always find and download drivers from the headset or sound card manufacturer's website.

Sound to the max

Often, background noise occurs in headphones of any model with incorrectly set sound settings. It does not matter if a microphone is connected to the computer or not. Nothing depends on him in this scenario. If the sound settings on your computer are set to the maximum, then you may experience wheezing and noise on the computer. A similar problem usually affects users who have purchased cheap headphones and a headset. You can fix this problem quite simply. To do this, turn down the volume. This can be done using the mixer in the operating system. You just need to click on the gramophone icon next to the clock and date, and then drag down the slider. As a result, the noise should disappear. As you can see for yourself, there is nothing complicated in performing this action. It is for this reason that it is recommended to purchase headphones that have an average cost. When using them, users rarely encounter a similar problem.
Microphone - harm or benefit?

Now it should be clear to you how you can remove the noise in the headphones on your computer. But this is not all the tricks that allow you to fix the problem. What to do if the options listed above do not fit? In this case, the presence of a microphone on a personal computer is important. It is he who often becomes the main cause of noise in the headphones. How to be? You definitely shouldn't refuse to use a microphone. Instead, it is suggested to perform a small adjustment of the volume and sensitivity of the device. In this case, you will be able to get rid of unnecessary noise. How can this be done?

We suggest you use the instructions below:

- boot up the computer;

- connect a headset with a microphone;

- right-click on the mixer on the right side of the screen;

- in the menu that appears, click on the item "Sound recording devices ...";

- find the connected microphone in the list;

- double-click on the corresponding line;

- go to the "Levels" tab;

- by moving the sliders, adjust the volume and sensitivity of the microphone;

- if there is PCBeep, turn it off by moving the volume mark to zero;

- check the box next to "Reduce noise" in the "Improvements" section;

- you can also check the item "Removal of the constant component".

These steps will help you quickly and easily get rid of the noise in the headset.

How to correctly set the settings for the microphone? This issue is decided individually for each user. You can choose the option that suits you best.


It does not matter at all which headset is connected to the personal computer, wired or wireless. Most of the problems occur on any device models. Most often, wireless headphones for a computer with a microphone are connected and used without much difficulty. The main cause of noise in the headset is the high sensitivity of the microphone. Another possible reason may be the loud environment around the user. How to get rid of noise in the headphones? All of the above methods will help fix the problem. If you use a wireless headset, then with constant noise in the headphones, you can recommend changing the USB socket used as a receiver. Otherwise, all the above recommendations will remain the same. Sometimes extraneous noise in the headphones can occur due to the activity of viruses. However, after treating the PC, the headset starts to work properly. Fortunately, such problems do not occur very often. The main methods to fix the problem are to reduce the sound volume, adjust the microphone and reinstall the driver. Now it should be more or less clear how to get rid of the noise in the headphones on the computer.

Modern people often use devices such as headphones and a microphone. They facilitate communication on the Internet, allowing not only to hear, but also to respond to another user. Connecting all the necessary devices to the computer is not difficult, the main thing is not to forget to make all the necessary settings. However, despite the friendliness of the interface, sometimes strange problems occur. How to remove noise and hiss on your headphones that occur in them when connected to a computer? Information about this will be useful for everyone to know.

Why are my headphones hissing? Information about their internal structure will help us answer this question. Clicks in the headphones, as well as an incomprehensible hiss, occur quite often. This phenomenon may be temporary or permanent. There may be several reasons for this behavior. Determining the source of problems can be a real problem for an unprepared person. For example, headphones may hiss due to incorrect connection settings, but it can also be caused by broken contacts. Consider the most common sources of noise and how to eliminate them.

One of the main reasons that affect the quality of the reproduced sound can be a sound card. The operating system cannot transmit signals correctly, as a result of which the sound begins to jump, break, hiss and crackle. There is only one thing you can do in this situation - replace the faulty spare part of the computer. Only this will get rid of unpleasant sounds.

Grounding faults

This problem is less likely to bother users than others. The conversation is about grounding sockets used to power devices from the electrical network. Because of this, various noises, clicks and crackles may occur in the headphones.

This does not only apply to laptops, as their boards are often grounded.

Extraneous noise in this case is provoked precisely by internal breakdowns of the device. The owner will have to contact the service center or ignore the problem. For other people, grounding the outlet will be the solution.

The wire

What other reasons can cause such an unpleasant effect when connected to a computer? Much in this matter will depend on the manufacturer that made the specific headphone model. Today there are two main types: wireless and wired headsets, this division is of great importance. Extraneous sounds mainly occur in cable devices connected with a plug. What is the source of the problem? Damage or stretching of the copper core of the cable can cause noise and sound jumps.

Cable malfunctions often occur in iPhone headphones, as their wire is decomposable and breaks easily.

A damaged wire transmits distorted signals to the sound card, which ultimately affects the sound. What to do if the phone's headphones wheeze? Damage can be repaired using removing a damaged piece of wire Or buying new headphones.

USB devices

Strange sounds may appear after connecting additional devices to the USB connector. So, the mouse or even the keyboard can be the source of the problem. In this case, you will hear clicks every time you press a key. This happens due to the following reasons.

when transmitting information. The situation can be corrected by switching the plug to an adjacent port. You can find a suitable splitter, repair old connectors for connection, or switch to wireless devices.
  • Hors de combatUSB- connector. As mentioned above, you can call the master to repair worn parts. In real life, users operate ports until only one remains operational, after which a splitter is bought, and all the necessary equipment is connected to it. In addition, modern devices are designed for high loads, manufacturers take into account all the subtleties, and ports are created as reliable as possible.

  • USB splitter

    Sound source problem

    Headphones quite often fail due to violations of the rules of operation. However, problems can also be hidden in the main sound source. For example, quite rarely, but still happens driver error. Software corruption or operating system crashes cause problems that cause noise and chatter. You can identify the problem by connecting different headsets, if they all give the same result - an unpleasant hum or hiss, then the problem is in the device driver. Handle your devices with care and follow the rules of operation.

    Causes of noise in headphones:

    You connected your headphones to a computer or laptop, and instead of pleasant and beloved music, you hear an annoying hiss or crackle, who would like that? At the same time, you do not understand why there is noise in the headphones, where it came from and what to do with it.

    The most frustrating thing about the effect of noise in the headphones is that it is very difficult to find out what caused it and how to eliminate it. There can be many reasons for crackling in headphones, the usual algorithm for finding the cause of poor headphone performance is to sequentially search through potential noise sources, exclude or isolate them and further check. In theory, this looks simple, but in practice, such an algorithm is completely impossible to implement.

    For example, you have only one computer that is connected to an outlet that is embedded in a concrete wall, the apartment has been renovated and it is impossible to install the computer in another place, or another room, because. there is no place for him. And therefore, we are unable to exclude all possible causes of extraneous noise in the headphones.

    However, we can start with the simplest and most obvious potential causes of headphone interference, and if checking them fails, we can only hope that this problem will fix itself in the future. For example, the neighbors will turn off the puncher, or after a while you will buy a voltage stabilizer through which you will connect the computer.

    So, let's start searching for the cause of the hiss in the headphones.

    Cable damage is a very common cause of hiss and pops in headphones.

    Let's start with the simplest and most common cause of extraneous noise in headphones - a damaged cable or poor contact in the jack.

    Carefully examine the headphone cable, it must be absolutely intact, there must be the same density throughout its entire length. Feel the entire cable with your hands, perhaps there was an interruption in some place inside the cable, or once you bent the cable too much and the copper wires inside it broke.

    If, after a visual and tactile check, the cable does not raise suspicions, check the jack, its joints and the audio jack itself into which you plug the headphones.

    Check how well you insert the jack into the socket, it should go in easily, with a slight click and stay firmly in it. The jack must enter the nest to the end, there should not be a visible part of the jack.

    Sometimes, due to the structural features of the nest, about 1 mm of the jack remains visible, but no more and this is a rare phenomenon.

    Bad contact is one of the most common causes of noise and crackling in headphones. Wipe the jack with a dry soft cloth, it may be dirty or covered with a layer of oxide.

    If the wire does not cause suspicion and the jack is connected to the socket securely, but the noise remains, you need to continue the search.

    The technical condition of the headphones - a possible cause of white noise

    After checking the wire and jack did not work, you must definitely check the headphones themselves.

    Carefully inspect them, they may have recently fallen on a hard surface, cracks or other signs of damage have appeared on the case.

    Be sure to try connecting your headphones to another audio source, such as a phone, TV, or tablet.

    It is very important to understand and establish that the cause of white noise in the headphones is not the headphones themselves, but the device to which they are connected.

    If the white noise disappears when connected to another device, then the headphones themselves are in order along with the wire and jack, and we proceed to further search for the occurrence of crackling.

    Inexpensive speakers can cause headphone noise

    If the noise in the headphones occurs when connected to a computer or laptop that is connected to inexpensive multimedia speakers at the same time, the first thing to try is to turn off the speakers and check if the noise in the headphones has disappeared.

    The fact is that inexpensive speakers are assembled from cheap elements, but most importantly, when they are assembled, they save a lot on soldering, wires and the general level of construction. Therefore, poor contacts or short circuits may occur inside the speakers, which will interfere with the entire electrical circuit, as a result of which extraneous noise may appear in the headphones.

    Speakers must be turned off completely, not just turned off their power.

    If completely disconnecting the speakers from the computer did not resolve the noise in the headphones, proceed to the next troubleshooting step.

    Lack of grounding is the most common cause of noise in headphones when connected to a computer

    For some reason unknown to me, in many homes sockets are not grounded. In general, this is not so bad, traditional household appliances such as irons, heaters, filters and air conditioners work fine. But as soon as you connect equipment that is very sensitive to the quality of the power supply to an ungrounded electrical network, problems immediately pop up.

    A computer connected to an ungrounded outlet is a direct road not only to noise in the headphones, but also to the possible cause of the failure of the entire computer due to exposure to static electricity.

    The normal way to solve this problem is to ground the outlet that the computer is connected to. But doing it yourself is not easy, if not impossible. To do this, you need to call an electrician, however, in this case, most likely, you will have to shift the wiring throughout the apartment, and this is already a serious repair.

    There is an easy way to check if grounding really helps eliminate noise in the headphones - throw a wire from the computer to the battery.

    You need to take an ordinary copper wire of a small cross section, on both sides with bare contacts. Lean one end against the computer case (preferably against its back wall), and the other against the battery. Leaning the wire to the painted part of the battery is useless, you need to lean it against the metal of the battery, so you have to look for such a place. Usually bare metal can be found on the back of the battery.

    If you did everything right, and the noise is gone or significantly reduced, then it's about grounding.

    Remember: battery grounding is not a permanent solution. Such grounding can lead to a complete failure of the entire computer, it is enough for your neighbor to ground serious equipment to the battery, as the computer, having received a powerful discharge of electricity to the case, will fail. This is just a test, nothing more.

    But what if you know for sure that the sockets are grounded, and the test with the wire did not work? We continue to search for cod in the headphones.

    Microphone noise is one of the many causes of interference in headphones.

    We have considered the possible sources of the problem of noise in the headphones, which relate to material interference, but now we are left with problems that relate to the setup of computer equipment.

    One of the most common causes of noise in headphones is noise from the microphone of the sound card.

    Even if a microphone is not connected to your sound card, there may be noise from the microphone jack.

    In order to test this hypothesis, you need to go to the volume settings of your sound card, find the slider that controls the microphone volume level and lower it to zero. Or, if possible, turn off the sound from the microphone altogether.

    If the microphone input was the cause of the noise in the headphones, then muting the sound from it should completely correct the situation.

    In order to get to the microphone volume settings, open the control panel, find the item "Hardware and Sound" and go into it.

    Now find the point "Sound" and go into it.

    In the sound settings window, go to the tab "Record", then find the active microphone (in my case it is the Sound Blaster ZxR microphone), select it and click on the button "Properties" in the lower right corner.

    In the new window, find the tab "Levels", and either move the microphone volume slider as far as possible to the left until its value reaches zero, or click on the blue speaker icon, which is located to the right of the volume level indicator. A red crossed out sign should appear next to the speaker. This icon will indicate that the microphone is completely disabled on the system. It is preferable to turn it off, and not just lower the volume level.

    One type of problem with the microphone input or the microphone itself is its high sensitivity. This problem can be solved by turning on the microphone noise reduction mode.

    Almost all modern sound cards have this mode. If you find out that the microphone is the cause of the crackling, but you need it, then try turning on the noise reduction mode if it is available. This should fix the issue.

    A problem with the volume level of sound sources in the sound card can cause hiss in the headphones

    Not only microphone interference can cause hiss in the headphones, the same interference can also be caused by adjacent sound card inputs.

    Depending on the sound card model, it may have additional inputs for connecting additional equipment. They may have the following names:

    1. What U Hear
    2. Line in
    3. S/PDIF

    Any of them, under certain circumstances, can become a source of interference. In the same way that you lowered the microphone volume, you need to reduce or completely turn off the sound from all these sockets.

    To do this, go to the Windows Control Panel.

    Then find the item there "Hardware and Sound".

    Then click on the section "Sound".

    In the new window, go to the "Playback" tab, select the active speakers (the device that is currently playing sound in the headphones) and click on the "Property" button.

    Next, I can’t take a screenshot, because. in my case, the volume level of all inputs and outputs is regulated through a special software that controls my Sound Blaster sound card, in your case, most likely, a tab will be available "Levels", by going into which you can disable all inputs and outputs of your sound card.

    To check, leave only the headphone output turned on, and turn off all other possible outputs and inputs or turn their volume down to zero.

    If the headphone hiss problem was at one of these points, it should go away.

    Volume level - paradoxical, but true, it can cause noise in the headphones

    In some cases, the volume level may cause interference in the headphones.

    Sometimes it happens that the headphones have their own volume control, plus there is an additional volume control in Windows, and there is also a volume control in the application from which you are listening to the sound (game, player).

    For any hardware that has its own hardware volume control to work well, you need to make sure that all software volume controls (especially the main volume slider in Windows) are set to 100%. And the final volume control is done precisely with the help of a hardware volume control.

    To eliminate the hiss, follow these steps:

    1. Completely turn off the sound in the headphones using the hardware control (buttons or knobs on the headphones themselves)
    2. Set Windows Volume to 100%
    3. Set the app volume to 100%
    4. Start to gradually increase the volume on the headphones and bring it to a comfortable level.

    The fact is that software volume controls artificially reduce the sound volume, after which you have to turn the volume up to the maximum in headphones in order to listen to it at a comfortable level. However, for any equipment, be it headphones, speakers or a car engine, prolonged operation at the limit of the possible is extremely detrimental to the characteristics and properties of the unit.

    By setting the hardware to the maximum volume on the headphones, you amplify all the noise that comes from the computer, plus you add the distortion that appears in the headphones themselves at maximum sound level.

    Therefore, you need to adjust the volume using the method that I indicated in order to minimize possible distortion and noise from the headphones themselves, as well as to remove artificial amplification of unwanted noise.

    Almost all home computers and laptops are used to work, participate in a variety of gaming processes, travel through social networks and other sites, and, of course, you can not do without playing audio and video recordings.

    For this reason, users have connected special speakers or headphones to most of the devices. These elements help improve the sound and increase its volume. In some cases, both of these components are used.

    But when using speakers, not only necessary, but also extraneous sounds can occur. It can be a variety of noises. Quite often, users encounter such difficulties. But since this makes it difficult to enjoy watching a movie or the sound of your favorite musical composition, you need to try to understand this issue and eliminate it.

    This question cannot be called simple, although at first glance, this is the impression that users have. In fact, the appearance of crackling, trembling, and various other noises is provoked by a variety of reasons.

    But it is pointless to consider all the reasons, since this process is incredibly long. So it is worth concentrating on the most common scenarios that provoke the appearance of such a problem.

    But first, it is worth checking the performance of the speakers, headphones and connectors into which these elements are connected. To do this, you need to use a third-party device. You will need to connect these components to it. To check the connectors, you will need to connect other speakers and headphones to them. If this is all right, then it is worth considering other options for the reasons.

    Check for required drivers

    Extraneous sounds can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. But if they have already arisen, then it is necessary to understand that this problem cannot be eliminated on its own. So let's start searching for the causes and quickly troubleshooting.

    Anything can happen due to driver issues. Very often, users may note the incorrect functioning of the gadget, because it lacks several drivers or they are outdated. The reason is banal, but at the same time, the device may stop due to these components.

    If special drivers are not installed, then the sound may not be played at all. Incorrectness in work is also noted in cases where the drivers were installed completely wrong. It is extremely important that only those elements that are 100% suitable for the gadget used are loaded on the device.

    Otherwise, a variety of program failures will begin. The sound card will eventually not provide sound playback in the correct mode. In general, the work of numerous elements is disrupted, which together ensure the reliable functioning of the device.

    That's why in the end and why there are various noises. Problems of this nature can be companions to the process of reinstalling the operating system. That is, when the user downloaded Windows or updated the system, then difficulties arise with the drivers.

    The user can find out about this from the corresponding notification that will be shown on the PC screen. To check whether the job is running correctly or not, you will need to go to the Task Manager. To do this, activate this assistant.

    This can be done by using a few keys or by going to the Control Panel, which is located in the main menu on the desktop. Next, go to the hardware and sound section. And after that, several sections will appear, among which you can find the Task Manager.

    After that, you will need to open a tab called "Audio inputs and audio outputs". Now you need to carefully look at whether yellow or red exclamation marks are indicated in front of the devices. If they are not visible, then the problem is not related to the drivers.

    But if suddenly they are present, then the problem arose precisely with these elements. In this case, you will need to check that all the necessary components are present. If necessary, it remains only to load the missing objects. After that, there should be no more difficulties with sound. But this is if the drivers were the culprits.

    Difficulties with cable. Common cause of noise

    It is not uncommon for users to deal with a cable that is not working properly. This is one of the most common reasons. As a result, extraneous sounds, noises, crackles and so on may appear.

    The problem lies in poor contact between the speaker and the sound card. Contact deteriorates for a variety of reasons. Most often this happens for the reason that the cable may be loose. At the same time, it can move to different positions, being damaged.

    So the best way out is to attach the cable to the wall or piece of furniture. In this case, it will always be in one position and not be damaged by people and animals.

    Also, there are frequent cases of damage not to the entire cable, but to its individual parts. In this case, the sound may disappear not in two columns, but in one. To verify this kind of damage, you should install the headphones to another device. During testing, it will be possible to identify the true cause. So, it will be possible to eliminate its consequences.

    Poor contact between the network card jack of the device and the plug of the headphones connected to it can also be detected. Sometimes the way out of the situation may be some manipulation of the plug. You can try taking it out and then putting it back in.

    You can also try it a little and turn it very carefully. We turn in any direction and check whether the connection is made or not. In some cases, these simple steps can help.

    In any case, it is necessary to monitor exactly how the cable is placed. It must always be attached to the floor or wall. In this position, it will be the least damaged during use. Also, the cable should not be moved, rotated, and performed other manipulations every time that can harm the signals transmitted through it.

    Also, difficulties often arise for other reasons. If this element is too long, then you should not be surprised by extraneous sounds. This is due to the fact that the cable is often bent. In this position, it transmits a damaged signal. So you should make it the length of the optimal size and the problem will be eliminated.

    Adjusting sound settings

    This is often the reason why problems arise. It's hard to even imagine that the correct setting of the playback settings can improve the sound quality. But if the user illiterately performed the setting, noise and other sounds may appear.

    In this case, the user may not even be aware that he previously performed some actions incorrectly. Quite often, various kinds of noise in the sound can be observed due to the included PC Beer and the line input. Often, an incorrect setting provokes changes in the frequency parameters.

    This is further reflected in the sound quality. In this aspect, it is necessary to take into account the features of the device used, since the settings are made individually for each device. Sound data correction is done in the control panel.

    Users will need to go to the section with sound and equipment. After that, open the tab with volume settings. Now an icon with the image of a speaker will appear, on which you will need to click. In this case, the properties of the device will open, which are displayed as "Speakers and Headphones".

    Users should slightly reduce the signal level, as well as make some other adjustments regarding the PC Beer section. You need to view the data that is specified in the parameters of the CD, as well as in the tab with the line input.

    As soon as the work is completed, it is imperative to save the entered information. In some cases, after this kind of manipulation, the reproduced sound becomes much “cleaner” and more beautiful. So do not neglect the setting.

    Poor quality equipment

    Some users prefer to buy inexpensive goods, but at the same time demand high quality from them. But this happens very rarely. Often, users notice a decrease in the quality of the reproduced sound.

    And the thing is that when creating inexpensive speakers and headphones, it is impossible to use expensive parts. Therefore, you should not demand something supernatural from such components. Inexpensive models will not be able to provide excellent sound. Especially it is not necessary to make the volume level maximum, since in this case interference will be especially manifested.

    You should always adjust the volume level, not only directly on the speakers, but also on the computer you are using. Only if harmony is achieved can good sound quality be achieved. In general, you shouldn't skimp if great sounding is your goal.

    Other reasons: grounding and power supply

    This problem can appear if the speakers pass electrical signals through themselves. They also pass through the case of a personal computer. That is why you should not be surprised that various third-party noises arise, which, in theory, should not be.

    To eliminate this problem, you will need to apply an incredibly easy-to-implement trick. It consists in ensuring the connection of the device case with the battery. All this is done using a conventional cable or cord. It is possible to eliminate interference in this way if the cause was directly related to grounding.

    But also difficulties can arise due to power supply. Since this problem only affects laptops, it does not threaten users of stationary devices. So laptop users can try to check the sound card for power. If it is not enough, then this provokes the appearance of third-party noise.

    You can check this in the power tab. You can find it in the main menu. We click on the "Start" button, after which many sections will appear, among which the Control Panel will certainly appear. Next, we find the section with the system and security.

    Now it remains only to enter the power tab. In it, you must specify the level of performance that you need. We choose the maximum value. In the tab with additional parameters, specify the desired value. Often this section is hidden. So you don't have to be afraid of it.

    Immediately after the manipulations, we try to connect the gadget to a network with power supply. Only after that it will be possible to try again to check the sound quality. If everything is in order, then the problem concerned precisely the lack of food.

    There is also another type of noise that can be seen infrequently. It manifests itself in the fact that when you scroll the mouse, this sound can be clearly heard in the headphones or speakers, if they are connected. Maybe this is not very annoying for some, but a separate group of users is very stressed by this.

    Therefore, it is necessary to consider this variant of the error. The reasons can also be very different. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to establish the real "culprit" of this. So it is worth trying to perform a few manipulations that will really help.

    You can also resort to implementing a mouse connection from a different port, or use a completely different mouse. It can also be purchased to replace the wired version of the wireless. This may help in some situations. So problems with the mouse can also provoke atypical noises.

    Whatever the cause, it can be identified, and then all the necessary efforts can be made to eliminate its consequences. This guide will definitely help.