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Mobile phones and gadgets

» Charger for Li-ion for free. Lithium ion battery charger Lithium battery charging diagram

Charger for Li-ion for free. Lithium ion battery charger Lithium battery charging diagram

I liked small chips for simple chargers. I bought them from us in a local offline store, but as luck would have it, they ended there, they were taken from somewhere for a long time. Looking at this situation, I decided to order them for myself in small bulk, since the microcircuits are pretty good, and I liked them in work.
Description and comparison under the cut.

It was not in vain that I wrote in the headline about the comparison, since during the journey the dog could grow up mikruhi appeared in the store, I bought several pieces and decided to compare them.
The review will not have a lot of text, but quite a lot of photos.

But I'll start, as always, with how it came to me.
It came complete with other different parts, the mikruhi themselves were packed in a bag with a latch and a sticker with the name.

This microcircuit is a charger microcircuit for lithium batteries with a charge end voltage of 4.2 Volts.
It can charge batteries up to 800mA.
The current value is set by changing the value of the external resistor.
It also supports the function of charging with a small current if the battery is heavily discharged (voltage is lower than 2.9 Volts).
When charged to a voltage of 4.2 Volts and the charging current drops below 1/10 of the set value, the microcircuit turns off the charge. If the voltage drops to 4.05 Volts, then it will again go into charge mode.
There is also an output for connecting an indication LED.
More information can be found in, this chip has a much cheaper one.
Moreover, it is cheaper with us, on Ali the opposite is true.
Actually, for comparison, I bought an analogue.

But what was my surprise when the LTC and STC microcircuits turned out to be completely identical in appearance, both were labeled LTC4054.

Well, maybe even more interesting.
As everyone understands, it’s not so easy to check a microcircuit, it also needs a strapping from other radio components, preferably a board, etc.
And just then a friend asked to fix (although in this context it’s more likely to redo) a charger for 18650 batteries.
The native burned out, and the charge current was too small.

In general, for testing, you must first collect what we will test on.

I drew the board according to the datasheet, even without a diagram, but I will give the diagram here for convenience.

Well, actually the printed circuit board. There are no diodes VD1 and VD2 on the board, they were added after everything.

All this was printed out, transferred to a piece of textolite.
To save money, I made another board on pruning, a review with her participation will be later.

Well, the printed circuit board was actually made and the necessary parts were selected.

And I will remake such a charger, for sure it is very well known to readers.

Inside it is a very complex circuit, consisting of a connector, an LED, a resistor and specially trained wires that allow you to equalize the charge on the batteries.
Just kidding, the charger is in a plug-in box, but here there are just 2 batteries connected in parallel and an LED permanently connected to the batteries.
We will return to the native charger later.

I soldered the scarf, dug out the native board with the contacts, soldered the contacts with the springs themselves, they will still come in handy.

I drilled a couple of new holes, on the middle there will be an LED indicating the device is turned on, in the side ones - the charging process.

I soldered contacts with springs, as well as LEDs, into the new board.
It is convenient to first insert the LEDs into the board, then carefully install the board in its native place, and only after that solder it, then they will stand evenly and evenly.

The board is installed in place, the power cable is soldered.
The printed circuit board itself was developed for three power supply options.
2 options with a MiniUSB connector, but in installation options on different sides of the board and under the cable.
In this case, at first I did not know how long the cable would be needed, so I soldered the short one.
I also soldered the wires going to the positive contacts of the batteries.
Now they go on separate wires, for each battery its own.

Here's how it turned out from above.

Well, now let's move on to testing.

On the left on the board, I installed the mikruha I bought on Ali, on the right I bought it offline.
Accordingly, they will be mirrored on top.

First mikruha with Ali.
Charge current.

Now bought offline.

Short circuit current.
Similarly, first with Ali.

Now offline.

There is a complete identity of the microcircuits, which, well, cannot but rejoice :)

It was noticed that at 4.8 Volts the charge current is 600mA, at 5 Volts it drops to 500, but this was checked after warming up, maybe this is how the overheating protection works, I have not figured it out yet, but the microcircuits behave approximately the same.

Well, now a little about the process of charging and finalizing the alteration (yes, it even happens).
From the very beginning, I thought to just set the LED to indicate the on state.
Everything seems to be simple and obvious.
But as always, I wanted more.
I decided that it would be better if it was extinguished during the charge process.
I soldered a couple of diodes (vd1 and vd2 in the diagram), but got a small bummer, the LED showing the charge mode shines even when there is no battery.
Rather, it doesn’t shine, but flickers quickly, I added a 47 microfarad capacitor parallel to the battery terminals, after which it began to flash very briefly, almost imperceptibly.
This is exactly the hysteresis for recharging if the voltage drops below 4.05 Volts.
In general, after this revision, everything was fine.
Battery charge, red is on, green is not on and the LED is not on where there is no battery.

The battery is fully charged.

In the off state, the microcircuit does not pass voltage to the power connector, and is not afraid of shorting this connector, so it does not discharge the battery to its LED.

There was also no temperature measurement.
I got a little over 62 degrees after 15 minutes of charge.

Well, this is what the finished device looks like.
External changes are minimal, unlike internal ones. A friend had a 5 / Volt 2 Amp power supply, and it was pretty good.
The device provides a charge current of 600mA per channel, the channels are independent.

Well, it looked like a native charger. The comrade wanted to ask me to raise the charging current in it. It couldn’t stand the native either, where else to raise, slag.

In my opinion, for a microcircuit for 7 cents it is very good.
Chips are fully functional and are no different from those purchased offline.
I am very pleased, now there is a supply of mikruh and I don’t have to wait until they are in the store (recently they disappeared from sale again).

Of the minuses - This is not a finished device, so you have to etch, solder, etc., but there is a plus, you can make a board for a specific application, and not use what is.

Well, in a toga, getting a working product made by yourself is cheaper than ready-made boards, and even under your specific conditions.
I almost forgot, datasheet, diagram and trace -

Progress is moving forward, and lithium batteries are increasingly replacing the traditionally used NiCd (nickel cadmium) and NiMh (nickel metal hydride) batteries.
With a comparable weight of one cell, lithium has a large capacity, in addition, the cell voltage is three times higher - 3.6 V per cell, instead of 1.2 V.
The cost of lithium batteries has begun to approach conventional alkaline batteries, the weight and size are much smaller, and besides, they can and should be charged. The manufacturer says 300-600 cycles can withstand.
There are different sizes and choosing the right one is not difficult.
The self-discharge is so low that they lie for years and remain charged, i.e. the device remains operational when it is needed.

"C" stands for Capacity

Often there is a designation of the form "xC". This is just a convenient notation for the charge or discharge current of a battery in fractions of its capacity. It is formed from the English word "Capacity" (capacity, capacity).
When talking about charging with a current of 2C, or 0.1C, they usually mean that the current should be (2 × battery capacity) / h or (0.1 × battery capacity) / h, respectively.
For example, a battery with a capacity of 720 mAh, for which the charge current is 0.5C, must be charged with a current of 0.5 × 720mAh / h = 360 mA, this also applies to the discharge.

And you can make yourself a simple or not very simple charger, depending on your experience and capabilities.

Diagram of a simple charger on the LM317

Rice. 5.

The circuit with the application provides a fairly accurate voltage stabilization, which is set by the potentiometer R2.
Current stabilization is not as critical as voltage regulation, so it is enough to stabilize the current using a shunt resistor Rx and an NPN transistor (VT1).

The required charging current for a particular lithium-ion (Li-Ion) and lithium-polymer (Li-Pol) battery is selected by changing the resistance Rx.
The resistance Rx approximately corresponds to the following ratio: 0.95/Imax.
The value of the resistor Rx indicated in the diagram corresponds to a current of 200 mA, this is an approximate value, it also depends on the transistor.

It is necessary to provide a radiator depending on the charge current and input voltage.
The input voltage must be at least 3 volts higher than the battery voltage for normal operation of the stabilizer, which for one bank is? 7-9 V.

Diagram of a simple charger on the LTC4054

Rice. 6.

You can solder the LTC4054 charge controller from an old cell phone, for example, Samsung (C100, C110, X100, E700, E800, E820, P100, P510).

Rice. 7. This small 5-leg chip is labeled "LTH7" or "LTADY"

I will not go into the smallest details of working with the microcircuit, everything is in the datasheet. I will describe only the most necessary features.
Charge current up to 800 mA.
The optimal supply voltage is from 4.3 to 6 Volts.
Charge indication.
Output short circuit protection.
Overheating protection (reduction of charge current at temperatures above 120°).
Does not charge the battery when the voltage on it is below 2.9 V.

The charge current is set by a resistor between the fifth output of the microcircuit and ground according to the formula

where I is the charge current in amperes, R is the resistance of the resistor in ohms.

Lithium battery low indicator

Here is a simple circuit that lights up an LED when the battery is low and its residual voltage is close to critical.

Rice. eight.

Transistors are any low-power ones. The ignition voltage of the LED is selected by a divider of resistors R2 and R3. It is better to connect the circuit after the protection unit so that the LED does not drain the battery at all.

The nuance of durability

The manufacturer usually claims 300 cycles, but if you charge lithium just 0.1 volts less, up to 4.10 V, then the number of cycles increases to 600 or even more.

Operation and Precautions

It is safe to say that lithium-polymer batteries are the most “gentle” batteries in existence, that is, they require mandatory compliance with a few simple but mandatory rules, due to non-observance of which troubles happen.
1. Charge to a voltage exceeding 4.20 volts per can is not allowed.
2. Do not short circuit the battery.
3. It is not allowed to discharge with currents exceeding the load capacity or heating the battery above 60 ° C. 4. A discharge below a voltage of 3.00 Volts per jar is harmful.
5. Battery heating above 60°C is harmful. 6. Battery depressurization is harmful.
7. Harmful storage in a discharged state.

Failure to comply with the first three points leads to a fire, the rest - to a complete or partial loss of capacity.

From the practice of many years of use, I can say that the capacity of the batteries changes little, but the internal resistance increases and the battery starts to work less in time at high consumption currents - it seems that the capacity has fallen.
Therefore, I usually put a larger capacity, which the dimensions of the device allow, and even old cans, which are ten years old, work pretty well.

For not very high currents, old cell batteries are suitable.

You can pull out a lot of perfectly working 18650 batteries from an old laptop battery.

Where do I use lithium batteries

I have long converted a screwdriver and an electric screwdriver to lithium. I use these tools on a regular basis. Now even after a year of non-use, they work without recharging!

I put small batteries in children's toys, watches, etc., where there were 2-3 "tablet" elements from the factory. Where exactly 3V is needed, I add one diode in series and it turns out just right.

I put in LED flashlights.

Instead of the expensive and low-capacity Krona 9V, I installed 2 cans in the tester and forgot all the problems and extra costs.

In general, I put it wherever it turns out, instead of batteries.

Where do I buy lithium and usefulness on the topic

Are on sale. At the same link you will find charging modules and other useful things for DIYers.

At the expense of capacity, the Chinese usually lie and it is less than written.

Honest Sanyo 18650

A detailed description of 18650 lithium-ion batteries, making a do-it-yourself charging device, application nuances.


To understand if you have enough information about a lithium-ion battery:
  1. What was the main drawback of the first 18650 battery models?

a) They exploded due to metallic lithium inside - with frequent charges, accumulations appeared on the element, leading to an explosion.

b) The battery was too bulky and inconvenient.

  1. What problem have manufacturers of modern 18650 models not yet got rid of?

a) The battery often overheats.
b) The battery quickly loses its charge when exposed to negative temperatures.

  1. In what temperature range is it desirable to store the battery?

a) + 10 - + 25 - ideal indicators. The battery does not tolerate too cold or hot rooms.

b) Store the battery at low temperatures when not in use.

c) At a temperature of + 30-45 degrees.

  1. Why can't I buy a charger made in China?

a) The case is too unreliable.
b) Parts of low quality, correct assembly technology is not always observed.

  1. At what charge level should the battery be stored?

a) Storage of 18650 should be carried out at a charge level that does not fall below 50%. Complete discharge cannot be performed.

b) Not less than 10%.


  1. a) The main drawback of the first models is explosiveness. Lithium metal overgrown with growths during frequent charging and a short circuit occurred, leading to an explosion of the battery.
  2. b) Modern batteries do not tolerate low temperatures well - the charge drops very quickly.
  3. a) + 10 - + 25 - ideal indicators. Do not place the battery in other conditions.
  4. b) Chinese manufacturers often use low-quality parts when assembling devices, so they fail. The correct assembly technology is not always followed.
  5. a) If you plan to keep the battery out of work for a long time, then make sure that the charge on it does not fall below 50%, otherwise the battery will deteriorate.
Li-ion battery

Li-ion owners batteries 18650 are faced with the question of how much current to charge it. There are also difficulties in the correct operation, people do not know exactly what such batteries are afraid of, how to increase the duration of their work.

To independently assemble an electronic cigarette or a flashlight, you definitely need to study all aspects work with lithium-ion power supply.

Definition: Li-ion battery is a battery of electric current, which has become widespread among consumer electronics since 1991. It was this year that Sony Corporation presented the product to a wide market.

Answers to 5 frequently asked questions

  1. What are lithium-ion batteries used for?

- As a power source. Such batteries are often used for various mobile phones, camcorders, laptops, for recharging electric vehicles or modern electronic cigarettes.

  1. Do models have flaws?

- The main drawback of the model was that the first developments literally exploded. This is due to the fact that manufacturers have placed inside the anode, consisting of metallic lithium. When a large number of charges and discharges occur, formations appear on the anode, leading to a short circuit of the electrodes. The result is a fire, and then an explosion. This issue has been resolved for now.

  1. How was the explosion problem solved?

— To secure the design, the scientists replaced the core with graphite, and got rid of the problem with explosions. But difficulties remained with the cathode caused by the cobalt oxide construction. If the operational characteristics were violated, then the explosions were repeated. That is why it was necessary to ensure that the device was not subjected to overcharging. It was extremely inconvenient for users to constantly monitor the level of charge and the developers had to modify the device again. Modern models are safe. When the developers began to use lithium-ferro-phosphate batteries, they managed to get rid of this problem. A modern device is produced in such a way that overcharging and overheating is impossible.

  1. Are current models flawed?

- The charge is lost if the battery is exposed to low temperatures.

  1. If the battery is not used for a long time, will it deteriorate?

- If you do not lower the level of rarefaction below 50%, then it will not deteriorate.

3 battery advantages

Li-ion accumulators have a number of positive aspects because of which they gained popularity:

  1. Very large capacity battery.
  2. Small self-discharge.
  3. No special maintenance required.

Charging - 5 nuances


Look at the picture of the original charger device. A charger designed for lithium-ion batteries is very similar to a lead-acid type of battery. The difference is that the lithium-ion battery there are high voltages on each bank and severe voltage tolerance requirements.

It is interesting! The battery is called a "can" because of the similarity with aluminum cans, which produce soft drinks.


Most Popular Items nutrition with this form - 18650. The battery received this name because of its size: diameter - 18 mm, height - 65 mm. When is lead-acid charging batteries, minor inaccuracies in voltage indications are allowed. But with lithium-ion devices, everything is much more specific. When it happens charger, and the voltage increases to 4.2 volts, the voltage to the element must be stopped immediately. The error is only 0.5 volts.

Chinese exercise

There are a large number on the market Chinese chargers designed for batteries of different materials. Without compromising performance, ion batteries are charged with a current of 0.8 A. But the voltage in the bank will have to be very clearly controlled. When the value is 4.2 Volts, immediately stop charging. But in the event that the bank is embedded controller, then do not worry about it, because the device will do everything on its own.

Charging 4.2 Volts

As charger for a lithium-ion battery, a voltage stabilizer is used, current is limited at the very beginning of charging. It is necessary to use an exceptionally stable voltage, and limit the current at the very beginning of the charging process. Charging should be completed at the moment when the stable voltage is 4.2 volts, there is no current, or its value is very small - in the region of 5-7 mA.


When a rod of graphite, then the voltage should not exceed 4.1 V per cell. If this rule is neglected, the energy density will increase greatly, and the oxidation processes of the device will begin. As a result, the battery will fail. To avoid oxidation, modern models are equipped with additives - graphite not in pure form. But similar models can still be found by chance.

How to properly charge Li-ion batteries. Parallel connection of batteries.

Homemade charger at home (do it yourself) - 1 diagram

For charging 18650 they acquire universal charging, and constantly use a multimeter to find out the necessary parameters. But such a device is quite expensive. The minimum price is 2700 rubles.

Instead, you can spend just a few hours and assemble a charger device on one's own. The advantages of such an assembly are low cost, reliability, automatic battery shutdown. All parts used for assembly can be found in the garage of any radio amateur. If something is missing, it can be bought at the nearest radio shop. You will have to spend a maximum of 300 rubles on components.

If a scheme correctly assembled, then there is no need for additional configuration - it will immediately be ready for use.

You need to use the following wiring diagram:


The good news is that if you set stabilizer to the desired radiator, then the battery is charged without fear that the charge will light up. And this definitely cannot be said about Chinese chargers, which sin with this unpleasant consequence.

The principle of operation - 4 nuances

  • to start battery must be charged using direct current, which is determined by the resistance of the resistor R4;
  • after battery will receive a voltage of 4.2 volts, the device switches to DC charging;
  • when the current drops to the minimum values, the LED will stop burning;
  • current that recharges the lithium-ion battery, should not exceed 10% of the total battery capacity. Thus, the service life of the batteries is increased. If the resistor R4 has a rating of 11 ohms, then the circuit current should be 100 mA. If the resistance is 5 ohms, then the charging current should be 230 mA.

It is also important to know 3 nuances about "life extension" 18650

  1. If a battery will need to be left without work for some time, then it is advisable to store the batteries separately from the device that they will power. If the cell is fully charged, then over time it will lose some of its charge. In the case when the element is charged very little, or completely discharged, then the performance may completely disappear. This is especially noticeable during a long hibernation.
  2. Storage 18650 should be carried out at a charge level that does not fall below 50%. Under no circumstances should the cell be fully charged and recharged. This equipment has no memory effect. Charging must be done before the charge runs out completely. Thus, battery life will be extended.
  3. Battery it is forbidden to leave in too cold or hot rooms. A suitable storage temperature is + 10 - + 25 degrees Celsius. If you place the battery in the cold, then not only will the operating time be reduced, but the chemical system will also deteriorate. Everyone must have noticed that when using a mobile phone in winter, the charge batteries drops sharply.

How to avoid 4 mistakes when using and charging a lithium-ion battery

  1. In the event that you decide to recharge the lithium-ion battery using a store charge, you will have to make sure that it is not made in China. Typically, such devices are assembled from the cheapest materials, and the required technology is not always observed in them. As a result, this can lead to very sad consequences: fire and explosion.
  2. If you wish to assemble device, then you need to use a current to charge the battery, which is 10% of the battery capacity. The percentage may be higher, but not exceed 20%.
  3. When using ion batteries, do not violate the rules of storage and operation, otherwise overheating, fire and explosion may occur.
  4. If you follow all the rules operation, as well as the correct storage conditions, then the battery life will be extended.

Top 3 Best 18650 Battery Chargers

For high-quality battery charging, you should purchase good devices, which is already loved by many users.

  1. Nitecore Digicharger D4 - suitable for charging multiple batteries at once. Extremely easy to use.
  2. Nitecore i2 is one of the best options for modern devices. Clear and easy to use.
  3. Basen B21 is a universal device for different types of batteries.

Installed in laptops, cell phones and other household appliances. They are called the source of energy from which all electronics work. During operation, they require charging from special devices to ensure the operation of electrical engineering. Can I use DIY batteries for charging? Below is a report on this issue.

Having bought a mobile phone for the first time, many people think about how to charge it for the first time. There is an opinion that for a good and long operation, you should completely discharge and charge the device 3 times. But modern technology refutes this assertion. The process of a full discharge of li ion harms the device, which is why when buying a cell phone, we often see charged equipment at 2/3 of the capacity.

To avoid damage, do not fully discharge. The more lithium ions are on the electrode, the shorter the service life and the faster the li ion unit wears out.

Consider some rules for charging li ion, for long-term use.

  1. Keep track of the charge percentage. A complete discharge can lead to a malfunction, up to a complete failure.
  2. Lithium energy storage devices require a higher voltage per cell, recharging on a constant current/constant voltage basis.
  3. Connection to the charger must be carried out at a temperature from 0 to +60 degrees. If the temperature drops to negative, the unit will automatically stop charging.
  4. It is highly sensitive to voltage surges, if U is greater than 4.2 V, then the device may fail. Modern engineers insert an electronic board into the energy storage device, which protects the li ion from overheating. You can also use special battery chargers, which, when fully charged, suspend the supply of current.
  5. Correctly choose the supply of maximum current, which is responsible for the time of full charge. The greater the current flow, the faster the device charges.
  6. If the power supply does not require constant operation, then charge it by 60-70 percent. Otherwise, you can quickly reduce the power of the device, which will lead to a rapid discharge.
  7. After the end of the charge, it is necessary to determine the percentage of capacity and should be disconnected from the power supply.

Controller and its functions

The controller is a device that regulates the level of current and voltage from the source, protecting the power supply from premature damage.

The controller consists of a BMS protection circuit board and a small battery cell. The design is based on a microcircuit. Field microtransistors are used to control the protection during charging or discharging.

The controller circuit for charging li ion power supplies is shown in the figure

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="123" width="700" height="307 ">

The main functions of the controller are:

  • The function of the controller is to protect the battery cell in charging not higher than 4.2 V. Otherwise, overcharging will occur and the excess can damage the cell.
  • The charge and discharge controller copes with short circuit protection. A thermistor (T) is installed for overvoltage protection. The controller is responsible for the function of discharging the battery cell. When the voltage drops, the unit is disconnected from the current.
  • Stop energy consumption in a timely manner to prevent the discharge from reaching a critical level. The controller will save the energy block from death, and warn against buying a new one. A good new model for permanent use will cost 15-20 thousand rubles. Therefore, it is worth thinking about installing a controller in the circuit.
  • The pressure and temperature indicators are recorded when the charge is stopped.

But not all types of controllers have absolutely all of the above functions.

Having a special education, you can do without a controller in the circuit, but you must be able to use an ammeter and a voltmeter. The voltage at the terminals must be at least the maximum charge, then the unit is 70% charged.

Protected and unprotected li ion batteries

A protected battery is a power storage device in a shell with a small circuit board. It differs in that there is protection against overheating and overvoltage, as well as short circuit.

A protective electrical board is welded to the body of an unprotected li ion. After that, it is packaged in a shell. All options must be specified on the shell.

When buying a protected battery model, keep in mind that due to the presence of an outer shell, the dimensions are slightly increased compared to those previously mentioned. The height is more by 3-5 mm, and the diameter is up to 1 mm.

Advantages of li ion blocks:

  • If properly operated, then the energy decreases slowly.
  • High energy density, small size hides high energy intensity.
  • High voltage, must take a value of at least 3.6 V.
  • Maintains performance with an increased number of charge and discharge cycles.
  • Slight loss of capacity after a large number of discharge cycles.

An unprotected battery is an energy storage device hiding under the shell of an unprotected one. If you remove the outer shell, then there will be no unprotected battery under it. The outer packaging must indicate the parameters of the battery hidden under the shell.

Diagram of the device for charging

In any scheme, a balancer and a controller board must be used to charge li ion batteries. They warn him against damage to the charger.

The operation of this circuit is based on the operation of a medium power T1 and an adjustable voltage regulator. Consider:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="123" width="578" height="246 ">

When choosing a transistor, the required charging current is taken into account. Foreign or domestic NPN can be used to charge a small capacity battery. Install it on a heatsink if you have high input voltage.

The regulating element is T1. The charge current is limited by a resistor (R2). Use R2 power equal to 1W. Others may have less power.

LED1 is the LED responsible for signaling the charge of li ion. When the battery is turned on, the indicator diode lights up brightly, signaling a discharged state. And after full charging, the discharge indicator stops glowing. Despite the cessation of the glow of the light bulb, the battery continues to be charged with a current of less than 50 mA. To prevent overcharging, after charging is complete, disconnect the battery from the charge.

LED2 is the second LED used in the circuit for more precise control.

The choice of design depends on the purpose for which the blocks are used. For self-assembly of the structure, you should have the following parts on hand:

  1. Current limiter.
  2. Protection against connection of different poles.
  3. Automation. The device starts working when the need for it is actually required.

The circuit is designed to recharge one energy storage device, in order to use it for another type of charging, the output and charging current should be changed.

It should be remembered that all li ion power supplies differ in their sizes. The most popular are 18650. The balancer is an indispensable assistant in the chain. He copes with such a task in order to prevent the voltage from rising above the permissible limit.

Is it possible to make a charger yourself and how safe is it?

You can assemble a charger for a li ion device with your own hands. In order to assemble a simple li ion charger, you need to have some experience and skills. Theoretically, homemade products can be made at home. In practice, this is an almost impossible task. The device does not always charge correctly from charging, and then the device will be useless. But before you do it, read a few rules:

  1. Lithium batteries cannot be recharged. The maximum charged voltage should be no more than 4.2 V. Each type has its own set threshold, which should not be exceeded.
  2. Check all the parts you will be using. And most importantly, check the accuracy of power measurement, for example, with a voltmeter, so as not to make a mistake. Check: the origin of the cans, the maximum allowable power, the charge. Therefore, the threshold should be lowered in order to operate the device safely.

If some rules are not followed, overheating, bloating of parts, emission of gas with an unpleasant odor, explosion of the device or fire may occur.

Branded batteries are equipped with special circuits that provide overvoltage protection, which does not allow exceeding the previously stated limit.

The charger circuit is shown in the figure:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="123" width="700" height="257 ">

For correct use, the output voltage of the charger is set to U=4.2 V without connecting a battery for charging.

The indicator of work will be a diode, it is highlighted if the connected battery is discharged, and goes out when the battery is charged.

Charging collection:

  • select the case of the appropriate size;
  • fix the power supply and elements, as in the above diagram. cut out brass strips and attach them to the sockets;
  • set the distance between the contacts and the battery;
  • attach a switch that can later change the polarity on the sockets;
  • but if there is no need for it, then this paragraph can be excluded;
  • check the lithium ion battery if there is no voltage, then the voltmeter will not show the value. This means the circuit is assembled incorrectly, so if you do not have a special education, then it is better not to experiment with self-assembly of the battery.

Last time I considered replacing nickel-cadmium NiCd screwdriver batteries with lithium-ion ones. Now there was a question of charging these accumulators. 18650 Li-ion batteries can typically be charged up to 4.20V per cell with a tolerance of no more than 50 millivolts because increasing the voltage can damage the battery structure. The battery charge current can range from 0.1C to 1C (C-capacity of the battery). It is better to choose this value according to the datasheet for the specific battery. I used Samsung INR18650-30Q 3000mAh 15A batteries in the alteration of the screwdriver. We look at the datasheet-charging current -1.5A.

The most correct way would be to charge lithium batteries in two stages using the CC / CV method (constant current, constant voltage-direct current, constant voltage). The first step is to provide a constant charge current. The current value is 0.2-0.5C. For a battery with a capacity of 3000 mAh, the nominal charge current in the first stage is 600-1500 mA. The second stage is charging the battery with a constant voltage, the current is constantly decreasing. The battery voltage is maintained within 4.15-4.25 V. The charging process will be completed when the current drops to 0.05-0.01C.
At this stage, the charger maintains a voltage of 4.15-4.25 volts on the battery and controls the current value. As the capacity increases, the charging current will decrease. As soon as its value decreases to 0.05-0.01С, the charging process is considered completed.
Taking into account the above, I used ready-made electronic modules from Aliexpress. Current limited CC/CV step down board on XL4015E1 chip or on LM2596. The board based on XL4015E1 is preferable, as it is more convenient in settings.

Characteristics of the board on XL4015E1.
Maximum output current up to 5 Amps.
Output voltage: 0.8V-30V.
Input voltage: 5V-32V.
The board on the LM2596 has similar parameters, only the current is slightly less - up to 3 Amperes.
The charge management board for the lithium-ion battery was selected earlier. As a power source, you can use any with the following parameters - output voltage not lower than 18 Volts (for the 4S circuit), current not lower than 2-3 Amperes. As the first example of building a charger for lithium-ion batteries of a screwdriver, I used a 220 \ 12 Volt, 3 Ampere adapter.

First, I checked what current it can give out to the feast of the rated load. I connected an autolamp to the output and waited half an hour. It gives out freely without preload 1.9 Amperes. I also measured the temperature on the radiator of the transistor -40 degrees Celsius. Pretty good, normal mode.

But in this case, there is not enough tension. This is easily fixable with just one penny radio component-variable resistor (potentiometer) of 10-20 kOhm. Consider a typical adapter circuit.

The circuit has a controlled zener diode TL431, it is in the feedback circuit. Its task is to maintain a stable output voltage in accordance with the load. Through a divider of two resistors, it is connected to the positive output of the adapter. We need to solder to the resistor (or solder it completely and solder it in its place, then the voltage will be regulated downward) which is connected to pin 1 of the TL431 zener diode and to the negative bus variable resistor. We rotate the axis of the potentiometer and set the desired voltage. In my case, I set 18 Volts (a small margin from 16.8 V to drop on the CCCV board). If your voltage indicated on the cases of electrolytic capacitors at the output of the circuit is greater than the new voltage, they may explode. Then you need to replace them with a margin of 30% voltage.
Next, connect the charge control board to the adapter. We set the voltage of 16.8 volts with a trimming resistor on the board. With another trimming resistor, we set a current of 1.5 Amperes, first we connect the tester in ammeter mode to the output of the board. Now you can connect the lithium-ion screwdriver assembly. Charging went well, the current dropped to a minimum by the end of the charge, the battery was charged. The temperature on the adapter was in the range of 40-43 degrees Celsius, which is quite normal. In the future, it is possible to drill holes in the adapter case to improve ventilation (especially in summer).
The end of the battery charge can be seen by turning on the LED on the board on the XL4015E1. In this example, I used another board on the LM2596, as I accidentally burned the XL4015E1 during the experiments. I advise you to do charging better on the XL4015E1 board.

I also have a regular charger from another screwdriver. It is designed to charge nickel-cadmium batteries. I wanted to use this regular charger to charge both nickel-cadmium batteries and lithium-ion ones.

This was solved simply by soldering wires to the output wires (red plus, black minus) to the CCCV board.
The idle voltage at the output of the standard charger was 27 volts, which is quite suitable for our charging board. After I connected it in the same way as the version with the adapter.

We see the end of charging here by changing the color of the LED (switched from red to green).
I placed the CCCV board itself in a suitable plastic box, bringing the wires out.

If you have a regular charger on the transformer, then you can connect the CCCV board after the diode bridge of the rectifier.
The way to remake the adapter is within the power of beginners and can be useful for other purposes, as a result we get a budget unit for powering various devices.
I wish you all health and success in shopping and life.
You can see the process of working with a charger for a converted screwdriver in more detail in the video

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